The Supreme nectar that illuminates the mind
Haritaki Club
We provide you with organic Haritaki, in premium quality, from the southern Himalaya regions.
Premium Quality

Laboratory tested by an independent body
Quality is our highest priority, therefore every batch is additionally microbiologically tested by an independent German laboratory.
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Fully recyclable packaging
These provide the best protection against moisture, oxygen, and UV rays, making them the most suitable for Haritaki powder. By thermolaminating for airtight sealing, we avoid solvent-based adhesives, which are harmful to the environment.

Quality is our highest priority

Product content (travel-set)
Each of our travel-sets comes in a handy folding box and includes a packet (250 g) of the finest organic Haritaki powder (laboratory tested and certified) from the southern Himalayan region, an information folder and a "Travel-Gear" set, which contains a little jar and a spoon, your prefect travel companions.From our own experience, we know that it's sometimes a bit nerving to open and close the Haritaki-pouch every single day. We therefore recommend filling the powder into the jar for daily use, it also keeps your Haritaki dry. The jar is designed to hold enough Haritaki powder for 10 days (per person).
Our normal sets are identical but without jar and spoon.
Our experience is your advantage!
Effects of Haritaki
Read mor about it here: Haritaki: Pineal gland
To feel the power of Haritaki sustainably we recommend to take it daily.
The 5 main benefits of HARITAKI
The list of scientifically researched effects of Haritaki is sheer enormous, read more about it under "More Info" below.Overall health.
Most users of Haritaki and ayurvedic practitioners see an increase in overall health with regular intake of Haritaki.Digestive System
Haritaki has antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-biotic properties that can speed up the digestive system. This aspect has been extensively studied scientifically over the past decades.Brain-Booster
In Asia Haritaki is being used for centuries to enhance brain functions. One of the reasons why it is called"The supreme nectar that illuminates the mind"
among buddhist societies. In numerous animal-experiments these brain ehancing effects have been proven scientifically over the past decades. In Far Eastern traditions, Haritaki is said to purify the pineal gland and brain of toxins.Users report:
- Increases in memory function
- Increased clarity of thinking and cognition
Increase in energy
Most Haritaki users report that they have greater energy when taking Haritaki regularly.Rejunvating
In Ayurveda, Haritaki is described as a rejuvenating agent. Several animal studies have confirmed that Haritaki extracts inhibit the shortening of telomeres. The telomeres are located at the ends of the chromosomes and protect our DNA. With each cell division they shorten until the cell eventually dies. In other words, the length of the telomeres reflects our biological age.
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Haritaki is the name used in Ayurveda (the traditional medicine of India) for the fruit of the Terminalia hebula tree. Regionally also called harad, myrobalan or kadukkai. Haritaki is mainly consumed as fresh fruits, pickled fruits or dried as powder.
In the West, Haritaki is called a superfood because of its diverse properties. Its potent effect has been well known in Asia for over 3,000 years. In the ayurvedic literature, Haritaki is described as a rejuvenating herb with a variety of healing properties.In the spiritual world, especially in Buddhist and Hindu societies, Haritaki has long been attributed with a "spirit-illuminating" function.
Where does HARITAKI come from?
Haritaki powder is obtained from the dried fruits of the Terminalia chebula tree (also called "Haritaki tree"). The Haritaki tree is evergreen and native to large parts of South- and Southeast Asia.It prefers a tropical climate for its full growth. The tree has an umbrella-shaped crown and crowded branches, growing up to 30 meter in height and is revered as sacred in many places, and placed under protection.
Ancient knowledge about HARITAKI
"As nutritious and useful as mother's milk"
The Indian physician Maharishi Charak (Charaka), author of the Charakara Samhita, the core of Ayurvedic literature, once described Haritaki in the 2nd century (AD) "as nourishing and beneficial as mother's milk". Ayurveda, is the millennia-old health teaching from India. It is also known as the mother of all medicines, because it had a decisive influence on European, Arabic and Chinese medicine.Like mother's milk, which provides us with all the necessities in the first weeks of life, Haritaki is attributed with comparably potent effects in Ayurvedic, Tibetan and Thai medicine, especially on a health and nootropic level.

Haritaki in Ayurveda
Significantly, Haritaki is also called the "Queen of medicinal plants" in Ayurvedic literature. It is recommended to strengthen all three "doshas" (Vata, Pitta and Kapha), but it is especially said to benefit the "Vata Dosha".The three doshas play an important role in Ayurvedic practice.
They give man his individual constitution, and describe the distribution or mixture of the bodily fluids bile, phlegm, blood and wind. They regulate his physical and mental function. In Ayurveda, great importance is attached to their harmony or balance.Many of us know the famous phrase "An apple a day keeps the doctor away". Haritaki is similar in Ayurvedic practice, where it has become a long-standing staple.
Haritaki is an integral part of numerous recipes, not only in Ayurveda, but also in Tibetan medical science and the traditional medicines of Thailand and China, where it is, among other things, an ingredient of the rejuvenating remedy "Triphala", which is known throughout Asia.Documented ancient knowledge on Haritaki
Extensive knowledge about this medicinal plant is recorded in numerous ancient books and calendars, such as the Nighantus or the works on the Materia Medica of Ayurveda. In Tibetan literature, an exhaustive collection of data is written down in the books An illustrated Tiebto-Mongolia materia and Principles of Lamaist Pharmacology. Haritaki also found its way into traditional Chinese medicine at the time of the Han Dynasty (220 AD), and quickly became famous when Liu Yuxi, a poet suffering from dysentery, was cured with medicinal wine made from Haritaki.Haritaki shows the common concept of traditional Chinese medicine as well as Buddhist culture: "people-oriented, alleviating illness, health and longevity".
- Ayurveda, the millennia-old health teachings from India, is also called the mother of all medicines, because European, Arabic and Chinese medicine were all decisively influenced by it.
Bhagwan Dash, The Drug Terminalia Chebula in Ayurveda and Tibetan Medical Literature.
kailash_04_01_01.pdf] -
Materia Medica, Wikipedia
Haritaki, Holy Medicine of Buddhism
spage=141;epage=144;aulast=Sha ] -
Pleiotrophe Auswertung von Haritaki, Department of Microbiology, Tiruppur Kumaran College for Women, Tiruppur – 641 687 Tamilnadu, India
The magic of HARITAKI
Buddha and Haritaki
Buddha is depicted in countless medicine Buddha statues with a Haritaki fruit and a Haritaki branch in his hands, which underlines its special importance for our health. It is said that Buddha himself recommended the daily consumption of Haritaki.

Haritaki in spiritual practice
Not only Ayurvedic doctors know about the manifold effects of Haritaki, also and especially in spiritual circles the fruit in powder form enjoys a special status.Haritaki has always been taken by monks, sages and yogis to improve the mental state, on the way to enlightenment, often ritually.
Tibetan monks have been importing Haritaki from the warmer Himalya regions for centuries, sometimes at great expense, because they consider Haritaki so important for their health and spiritual development.The "7th century Buddhists" even referred to Haritaki as:
"The supreme nectar that illuminates the mind"

Read more here: Haritaki and Oxygen
However, oxygen is not only important for mental performance, the body also needs sufficient oxygen to avoid fatigue. Every experienced amateur athlete knows that a lack of oxygen in the blood leads to rapid fatigue and increased lactate production (i.e. muscle soreness). Therefore, aerobic training ensures that the body is sufficiently supplied with oxygen, which keeps it efficient in the long term. Recent scientific findings attribute even greater importance to the supply of oxygen to the body, as it boosts the production of happiness hormones, makes the complexion glow and is also one of the most effective anti-ageing factors. It has long been proven that a comprehensive oxygen supply to the body can effectively slow down the mental ageing process.
Haritaki and anti-aging
As already mentioned, Haritaki is described in Ayurveda as a rejuvenating herb, the same can be found in the ancient medicine books of Tibet, Thailand and China.Towards the end of the 20th century, it was discovered that the ageing process of humans and animals is strongly related to the shortening of the telomeres at the ends of the chromosomes.
Telomeres are important protective caps

Telomeres protect our genetic material, the DNA. They act as protective caps at the ends of chromosomes and play a central role in the ageing process of humans. With each cell division, they become shorter until the cells no longer divide and become senescent.
The length of the telomeres is therefore the unit of measurement for our biological age. This determines how we look and how fit we feel. Short telomeres not only reflect advanced ageing, but are also associated with chronic diseases. A high stress load, for example, can contribute to shortening.In several scientific experiments at the beginning of the millennium, it could be proven that Haritaki extracts (Terminalia Chebula) positively influenced the age-related shortening of the telomere length, i.e. inhibited the shortening of the telomeres.
- The age-related shortening of telomere length.
[Minkyun NA, Wan BAE, Kang SS, Min BS, Yoo JK, Yuk OK, et al. et al. Cytoprotective effect on oxidative stress and inhibitory effect on cellular aging of Terminialia chebula fruit. Phytother Res.2004; 18:737–741.]
Ethanol extracts from Terminalia chebula fruits inhibited oxidative stress and age-dependent shortening of telomeric DNA length. In the peroxidation model with t-butanol, the Terminalia
Chebula extract showed a remarkable cytoprotective effect on HEK-N/F cells. Moreover, the extract showed cytoprotective effect against UVB-induced oxidative damage. The lifespan of the
HEK-N/F cells was prolonged by 40% by continuous administration as a result of administration of 3 µg/ml Terminalia Chebula extract compared with the control group.
[Na MK, Bae KH, Kang SS, Min BS, Yoo JK, Kamiryo Y, Senoo YI, Yokoo S, Miwa N. Cytoprotective effect on oxidative stress and inhibitory effect on cellular aging of Terminalia chebula fruit. Phytotherapy Res 2004;18(9) 737-41.]
Effects of HARITAKI
The Haritaki fruit is described in detail in ancient Indian, Tibetan and Chinese writings about its pharmacological effects and medicinal uses in various forms of administration, together with its side effects and contraindications.This cross-cultural knowledge accumulated over the millennia is based on countless empirical data, which, despite their geographical and temporal distance, have been extensively documented with strikingly similar properties. In recent decades, these documented properties have been successively confirmed scientifically in numerous human and animal studies.
In Tibetan, Ayurvedic, Thai as well as Chinese medicine, Haritaki (Terminalia Chebula) is attributed with a long list of strengths. Among those in particular, the following effects of Terminalia Chebula (Haritaki) have been scientifically studied, by western medicine:- cognitive functions of the brain
- effects on memory capacity
- rejuvenating activities
- stress-related ailments
- effects against poisoning
- effects on tumours
- effects on cholesterol
- effects on blood sugar levels
- effects on wound healing
- activities against viruses
- activities against bacteria
- activities against parasites and stomach worms
- effects on digestion
- detoxification
- effects on the liver
- effects ondiabetes
- effects on gums and teeth
- effects on pain
"The origin of all diseases lies in the stomach and intestines".
Yogic teachings say that the origin of all diseases is to be found in the intestine or stomach. The healing effect of Hartiaki is always emphasised, especially in this area. It is said to have a balancing effect in the gastrointestinal tract. The restored balance of the intestinal bacteria not only brings a feeling of inner peace, but also has positive effects on overall health.The powdered fruit has the effect of cleansing the intestines and eliminating waste products from the body, as well as reducing flatulence.
Terminalia Chebula is good for digestion, it is a natural mild laxative and contains fibre that fights constipation. Scientific studies show its effectiveness in spastic colon and other intestinal disorders. Haritaki also increases intestinal transit time, which can significantly improve intestinal mobility in a positive way. The longer waste products and toxins from food waste remain in our intestines, the more time they have to interact with the intestinal cells, with corresponding negative consequences for our health.-
In vivo and in vitro studies with Terminalia Chebula showed its "anti-vata" or "antispasmodic" properties by reducing abnormal blood pressure as well as intestinal spasms. This confirms its traditional usefulness in spastic colon and other intestinal disorders.
[Seyyed AM, Ali V, Mohammad KGN, Peyman M. Spasmogenic activity of the seed of Terminalia chebula Retz in rat small intestine: In vitvo and in vitro studies. Malays J Med Sci. 2011; 18(3):18–26.]
The laxative effect of an oil fraction from Terminalia Chebula is reported.
[Vani T, Rajani M, Sarkar S, Shishoo CJ. Antioxidant properties of ayurvedic formulation triphala and its constituents. Int J Pharmacog. 1997; 35:313–317.]
A comparative assessment of the intestinal transit time of two dosage forms.
articles/PMC3665098/ ] -
The role of Terminalia chebula on the gastrointestinal mucosa.
[Rakhi Mehra, Renu Makhija, Neera Vyas (2012): https://rjptonline.org/HTMLPaper.aspx?Journal=Research+Journal+of+Pharmacy
+and+Technology%3bPID%3d2012-5-9-13 ]
Pharmacological effects of HARITAKI
Haritaki has long been a legend in Asia for over 3,000 years. Its numerous positive effects on the human organism have been extensively documented pharmacologically, and can be read about in centuries-old books. Western science, on the other hand, only began to "discover" and scientifically research Haritaki towards the end of the 20th century.
Since then, many of those effects described in the old books have been successively scientifically confirmed in numerous experiments on humans and animals.In particular, the following pharmacological activities of Terminalia Chebula (Haritaki) on the organism have been scientifically studied:
- antioxidant and radical scavenging activities
- anticarcinogenic activity
- antimutagenic, radioprotective and chemopreventive activity
- hepatoprotective activity
- cardioprotective activity
- cytoprotective activity
- antidiabetic and renoprotective activity
- antibacterial activity
- antifungal activity
- antiviral activity
- antiprotozoal activity
- anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic activity
- anti-allergic activity
- adaptogenic and anti-anaphylactic activity
- hypolipidemic and hypocholesterolemic activity
- gastrointestinal motility improving and anti-ulcerogenic activity
- antispasmodic activity
- anticarial activity
- wound healing activity
- laxative activity
- immunomodulatory activity
- etc.
Numerous scientific studies and experiments that have investigated the named effects can be found here: Effects of Haritaki.
Increases learning ability, focus, concentration and calmness
Of particular note is that in several scientific animal studies, Haritaki was found to bring about both improved learning ability and an increase in brain function, including an increase in short and long-term memory.In those studies, the powerful antioxidants and flavonoids in Haritaki improved not only memory but also focus, concentration, calmness and alertness.
Pharmacological profile of Terminalia chebula Retz. and Willd. (Haritaki) in Ayurveda with evidence.
Pharmacological Profile of Terminalia chebula Retz. and Willd. (Haritaki) in Ayurveda with Evidences
Side effects of HARITAKI
Side effects of Haritaki are rare, but can occur. Since Haritaki has detoxifying properties, mild diarrhoea may occur as a side effect (especially when taken for the first time). In rare cases, Haritaki can cause drowsiness or dizziness as well as headaches.When should Haritaki be avoided?
Haritaki should be avoided, or at least checked with a doctor, in the following cases:- During pregnancy
- In case of dehydration (low fluid intake)
- When taking medication
- During the menstrual cycle with heavy menstrual bleeding
- During heavy alcohol consumption; Haritaki should generally not be mixed with alcohol.
- In case of severe exhaustion and/or emaciation
Since Haritaki has blood sugar lowering effects, patients already taking sugar-lowering medication should consult a doctor before taking Haritaki. If they experience allergic reactions or other side effects, they should stop taking Haritaki and consult a doctor (ideally specialised in Ayurveda).
Dosage of HARTIAKI
In order to benefit from the positive effects of Haritaki, it should be taken daily.At the beginning, or if you have been taking it for a long time, it is advisable to start with a small dosage (e.g. 1/3 teaspoon) and gradually increase it from day to day to about one teaspoon per intake. This allows the body to adjust slowly.
The onset of mild diarrhoea indicates that the dose was too high, the body usually gets used to Haritaki after a few days. Mild diarrhoea is a typical side effect, at the beginning, and usually a sign of detoxification.Haritaki is usually taken once in the morning and again before going to bed. However, this is not a fixed rule and should be adapted to individual needs. Every person is different, hence the Ayurvedic motto: "To each patient his personalised medicine".
Preparation of Haritaki
There are numerous creative ways to integrate Haritaki into the diet. Depending on the substance added (yoghurt, muesli, fruit juice, tea, water, etc.), it has a slightly different effect - based on my own experience.The two most common ways to incorporate Haritaki into daily life are pure with water, or mixed into warm water (or tea).
Haritaki pure (Yogi method)
Take half a mouthful of water and leave it in your mouth for a few seconds. Then add a teaspoon (less at the beginning) of Haritaki, mix it in the mouth and swallow it after a few seconds.Haritaki in its pure form tastes bitter, some people find it too bitter, so for the more sensitive palate we recommend drinking the powder as a tea. If you want to change the taste completely, mix it with a fruit juice or mocktail.
Hariaki tea
It is recommended to prepare a cup of warm (not hot) water. Then stir in a teaspoon of Haritaki (less at the beginning) and a half or whole teaspoon of bee honey. After everything is well dissolved and mixed, the Haritaki tea is ready to drink. The honey has a multiplying effect in warm water, i.e. it has an "opening" effect and promotes oxygenation in the body. Note: The water should not be hot, as in that case the positive effects of the honey are lost.Haritaki Creative (Mocktail)
Haritaki can be integrated into many dishes and drinks. There are no limits to creativity.
To make the mocktail, you need ice (preferably crushed), a lime, mango juice or pureed mango, lemon juice, a passion fruit and a teaspoon of Haritaki. The lime is cut into 4 parts and squeezed a little, the passion fruit is cut in two, one half is peeled out of the peel with a spoon and stirred into the cocktail, the other part is put on the mocktail later as decoration. Then everything is poured together with ice and soda and stirred well together with Haritaki.
Haritaki mixes well with many fruit juices and mocktails. Due to its tart bitter taste, Haritaki also goes well with sweet flavours in particular.Live healthy